Computer architecture and assembler language: final test

EJudge: DrawPoly 'Draw a polynomial graph'

Donwload this python3 script and run it (you should have python3 with tkinter module installed). It will produce a task like this:

  • task.png

Output task №. Dump Bitmap Display memory to standard output line by line, using 0 when f(x)<=y and 1 when f(x)>y. See sample output for task № 25253. There is no input, all is harcoded by the text given:


ask № 25253

Write a MARS program that paints Bitmap Display in two colors,
depending on whether f(x) = 0.84x⁵+2.52x² > y or not for each x:y.
Bottom left pixel of the display must represent -4:-13,
and upper right one must represent 7:13.

This is how an assembly program can start:
        # Task № 25253
        .eqv    AA  0.84
        .eqv    BB  2.52
        .eqv    MM  5
        .eqv    NN  2
        .eqv    X0  -4
        .eqv    Y0  -13
        .eqv    X1  7
        .eqv    Y1  13


HSE/ArchitectureASM/FinalTest (последним исправлял пользователь FrBrGeorge 2020-01-29 16:26:33)