Write a program which accepts a sequence of non-empty strings (each not longer than 200 characters) and outputs every string backwards. Sequence ends with a string started from '.'; this final string is not printed. You should write a subroutine which accepts string address in $a0 and prints it backwards. Caution: if you want to use syscall 8, read carefully the documentation about '\n' at the end of the input string (it either can evolve or not, you should omit it).

Write a program which accepts a sequence of strings
and outputs every string backwards.
Empty strings are treated as normal.
.that's all

Also, Captain Obvius suggests not to use syscall 4 (use repetitive syscall 11 instead)

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HSE/ArchitectureASM/Homework_ReverseString (последним исправлял пользователь FrBrGeorge 2019-12-07 10:51:26)