01. Using command line ssh over ssh

  1. (on windows) Run "Git bash" unix-like commandline

    • tune font size and appearance
    • use only fixed-width fonts
  2. Connect ssh user@server

  3. Attach demo screen
    • Teacher: start shared terminal session: tmux -S /tmp/demo.shared; chgrp students /tmp/demo.shared

    • Student: connect to shared terminal session: tmux -S /tmp/demo.shared attach -r

  4. Student: open second git bash again and do another ssh user@server

From now on teacher can show all he wants, and student can observe and re-produce on his second terminal connection

Code - compile - run

Command arguments

Try run:

Use scp


Make sure you can connect to sugon server over ssh

HSE/ProgrammingOS/Lab_01_UsingSshCmdline (последним исправлял пользователь FrBrGeorge 2020-03-17 08:49:45)